7. Plugins

Starting with phpMyFAQ 4.0, we have a new, currently experimental plugin system. This system allows you to extend phpMyFAQ with new features. The plugin system is based on the Symfony Dependency Injection component.

7.1 Plugin installation

Plugins are installed in the content/plugins directory of your phpMyFAQ installation. The plugin directory should contain a subdirectory for each plugin, e.g. content/plugins/HelloWorld. The plugin directory should contain a HelloWorldPlugin.php file that implements the PluginInterface interface.

7.2 Plugin configuration

Plugins can have configuration options.

7.3 Plugin development

To develop a plugin, you need to create a new directory in the content/plugins directory. The main plugin class should implement the PluginInterface interface. The plugin class should have a constructor that accepts the plugin manager as an argument. The plugin manager is an instance of the PluginManager class.

7.4 Plugin uninstallation

To uninstall a plugin, you can delete the plugin directory from the content/plugins directory.

7.5 Plugin examples

phpMyFAQ comes with an example plugin that demonstrates how to use the plugin system called HelloWorldPlugin.

7.5.1 PHP code


namespace App\Plugins\Plugin1;

use App\Core\PluginInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;

class MyPlugin implements PluginInterface
    private $manager;

    public function __construct($manager)
        $this->manager = $manager;

    public function getName(): string
        return 'MyPlugin';

    public function getVersion(): string
        return '0.1.0';

    public function getDependencies(): array
        return [];

    public function getConfig(): array
        return [
            'option1' => 'value1'

    public function registerEvents(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
        $dispatcher->addListener('content.loaded', [$this, 'onContentLoaded']);
        $dispatcher->addListener('user.login', [$this, 'onUserLogin']);

    public function onContentLoaded($event): void
        $content = $event->data;
        $output = "MyPlugin: Content Loaded: " . $content . "<br>";

    public function onUserLogin($event): void
        $user = $event->data;
        $output = "MyPlugin: User Logged In: " . $user . "<br>";

7.5.2 Twig template

    <h2>Content Loaded Event</h2>
    {{ phpMyFAQPlugin('content.loaded', 'Hello, World!') | raw }}
    <h2>User Login Event</h2>
    {{ phpMyFAQPlugin('user.login', 'John Doe') | raw }}