3. Update
First, please download the latest package of phpMyFAQ. Upgrading to phpMyFAQ 4.0 is possible from the following versions:
- phpMyFAQ 3.0.x
- phpMyFAQ 3.1.x
- phpMyFAQ 3.2.x
- phpMyFAQ 4.0.x
- phpMyFAQ 4.1.x
If you're running an older version of phpMyFAQ than listed above, we recommend a new and fresh installation. If you need support for updating an old FAQ from the 1.x or 2.x series, please email us.
Please note that the requirements of phpMyFAQ have to be fulfilled.
Before you upgrade
Please make sure that you're running at least PHP 8.2, otherwise the upgrade won't work.
Upgrading from phpMyFAQ 3.0.x
Upgrading from 3.0.x is a major upgrade. Your existing templates will not work with phpMyFAQ 4.1. Please make a full backup before you run the upgrade! First, log in as admin into the admin section and enable the maintenance mode. Second, you have to delete all files except:
- in the directory config/
- keep the file database.php
- only if using LDAP/ActiveDirectory support also keep the file ldap.php
- the directory attachments/
- the directory data/
- the directory images/
Download the latest phpMyFAQ package and copy the contents into your existing FAQ directory, then open the following URL in your browser:
Click the button of the update script, your version will automatically be updated.
Upgrading from phpMyFAQ 3.1.x
Upgrading from 3.1.x is a major upgrade. Your existing templates will not work with phpMyFAQ 4.1. Please make a full backup before you run the upgrade! First, log in as admin into the admin section and enable the maintenance mode. (Configuration >> Edit Configuration >> Set FAQ in maintenance mode) Second, you have to delete all files except:
- in the directory config/
- keep the file database.php
- only if using LDAP/ActiveDirectory support also keep the file ldap.php
- the directory attachments/
- the directory data/
- the directory images/
Download the latest phpMyFAQ package and copy the contents into your existing FAQ directory, then open the following URL in your browser:
Click the button of the update script, your version will automatically be updated.
Upgrading from phpMyFAQ 3.2.x
Upgrading from 3.2.x is a major upgrade. Your existing templates will not work with phpMyFAQ 4.1. Please make a full backup before you run the upgrade! First, log in as admin into the admin section and enable the maintenance mode. (Configuration >> Edit Configuration >> Set FAQ in maintenance mode) Second, you have to delete all files except:
- in the directory config/
- keep the file database.php
- only if using LDAP/ActiveDirectory support also keep the file ldap.php
- only if using EntraID support also keep the file azure.php
- the directory attachments/
- the directory data/
- the directory images/
Download the latest phpMyFAQ package and copy the contents into your existing FAQ directory, then open the following URL in your browser:
Click the button of the update script, your version will automatically be updated.
Upgrading from phpMyFAQ 4.0.x
Manual upgrade
Please make a full backup before you run the upgrade! First, log in as admin into the admin section and enable the maintenance mode. (Configuration >> Edit Configuration >> Set FAQ in maintenance mode) Second, you have to delete all files except:
- all files in the directory content/
Download the latest phpMyFAQ package and copy the contents into your existing FAQ directory, the open the following URL in your browser:
Click the button of the update script, your version will automatically be updated.
Upgrading from phpMyFAQ 4.1.x
Manual upgrade
Please make a full backup before you run the upgrade! First, log in as admin into the admin section and enable the maintenance mode. (Configuration >> Edit Configuration >> Set FAQ in maintenance mode) Second, you have to delete all files except:
- all files in the directory content/
Download the latest phpMyFAQ package and copy the contents into your existing FAQ directory, the open the following URL in your browser:
Click the button of the update script, your version will automatically be updated.
Online update (Experimental feature)
If you're running phpMyFAQ 4.0.0 or later, you can use the built-in online update feature. Log in as admin into the admin section and enable the maintenance mode. (Configuration >> Edit Configuration >> Set FAQ in maintenance mode) Then go to the "phpMyFAQ Update" page in the configuration section click through the update wizard:
- Check for System Health: this checks if your system is ready for the upgrade
- Check for Updates: this checks if there is a new version of phpMyFAQ available
- Download of phpMyFAQ: this downloads the latest version of phpMyFAQ in the background, this can take some seconds
- Extracting phpMyFAQ: this extracts the downloaded archive, this can take a while
- Install downloaded package: first, it creates a backup of your current installation, then it copies the downloaded files into your installation and in the end, the database is updated
Note: The online update feature is experimental and might not work in all environments.
Modifying templates for phpMyFAQ 4.1
We recommend you take a look at the main Bootstrap documentation. Please remember that the style sheets are written with SCSS. You have to compile the SCSS files into CSS using a SCSS compiler with Node.js.
If you need help with theming phpMyFAQ, please don't hesitate to ask in our forum.
Note: The character set for all languages and templates is UTF-8. If you notice problems with e.g. German umlauts, you have to convert your templates to UTF-8 encoding. Please use UNIX file endings \n instead of Windows file endings with \r\n.